Monday, September 14, 2009


Let's see, how best can I say this. Well, at the risk of sounding overly melodramatic, something along the lines of selling my soul each and every time I walk through those electronic doors at Acme. That paycheck is my sole motivation. Every ounce of my being wants to turn the car around and head in the opposite direction of pharmacy. It's simply force of will. In other words, needing the that my husband's architecture job is in jeopardy, and our investment property on the Jersey shore is not renting out, and temple fees for Hebrew school, on and on. I might as well be a stripper or a call girl, except for that glaring problematic issue of menopause. I truly don't know how people can do this full time, day in, day out, for years. It's such mind-boggling misery.

Today the computers were down, on this, a Monday, which by all accounts is expected to be a tough day. But they raised the ante once again, short staffed us, threw at us hundreds of people wanting vaccinations, with an ever so blatant chain-wide shutdown of basic computer functions... like, well, searching for the person's name in the computer. "What should I do?" the elderly couple asked who both needed Trilyte for their colonoscopy. "Go to CVF." I said, handing them their scripts.

And here's the rub...I seriously may have to do this more days a week. When and if I pass the law exam, the adult-mom-wife in me may need to weigh the stresses of our finances and jump in, or as it were, dive in head first fracturing my without a clue skull.

There's alway work-at-home mail order, as in Medco or Caremark, no?

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